Journal of Economics and Philosophy
A recent initiative by students at US and UK universities is launching a student publication in the field of Economics and Philosophy. The journal promotes an interdisciplinary approach and thus wishes to span the gulf between Economics and Philosophy. The Transatlantic will be produced and published in London and New York simultaneously and will be distributed at a variety of universities in both countries and beyond.
Topics will encompass a vast array of subjects, ranging from the ontology, epistemology and methodology of economics and the foundations of rational choice and game theory, to ethics and welfare economics, as well as the history of economic thought. While it is designed as a preprofessional platform for both undergraduate and graduate students, each edition will also feature guest articles by expert academics of the area. The Transatlantic serves as a global forum for those with an interest in the field.
The Transatlantic is now accepting submissions for the first issue on the topic "Economics & Science", which will be out by the beginning of 2010. We welcome contributions from young scholars from across the globe. One of the guest articles for this edition will be by Emanuel Derman, professor of Physics at Columbia University and former managing director at Goldman Sachs, who has written extensively on the relation of Physics and Finance.
If you would like to get involved, please e-mail us at info@thetransatlantic.org. This is a great way to gain experience in a variety of fields, ranging from marketing and managing to design, layout, reviewing and publishing. If you wish to write for the forthcoming issue, please send us an abstract of your article by November 16, 2009 to submit@thetransatlantic.org. The full article should be approximately 1000-1500 words and will be due in December 2009. We hope to hear from you.
The Transatlantic Team"