Saturday, March 27, 2010


The Transatlantic - Journal of Economics and Philosophy - has published its first issue on the topic "Economics & Science". Visit and click on "Current Issue" to skim through the online edition, which includes articles by undergraduates and graduates from universities such as Cambridge University, NYU and LSE. The first issue also features two guest articles - a piece by Tony Lawson, Professor of Economics at Cambridge University, and one by Lord Robert Skidelsky, Professor Emeritus at Warwick and biographer of John Maynard Keynes. Moreover, there is an interview with Emanuel Derman, Professor of Financial Engineering at Columbia University and former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs, who discussed the relation between models in physics and finance with The Transatlantic.

The Transatlantic is an academic journal adopting an interdisciplinary approach to span the gulf between Economics and Philosophy. It is open to anyone and hopes to serve as a global forum for those with an interest in the field. It is in this spirit that students from London, New York, Shanghai, Toronto and many other places are currently working together to establish a new platform for debate. This endeavor is officially supported by the LSE Philosophy Society and the Columbia University Economics Society.

The Transatlantic is now calling for articles for its second issue on the topic "Growth", which will be published in autumn 2010. Scholars and students from all over the world are invited to approach this topic in various ways. Articles may be written both on economic and financial growth, as well as on demographic growth or the growth of knowledge - as long as they link the disciplines Philosophy and Economics. Interested? Please send us an abstract of your article by May 31, 2010 to We hope to hear from you.

If you would like to get involved, please e-mail us at
The Transatlantic Team

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