Monday, September 29, 2008

Today, in my mailbox ...

I found my copy of Epistemology: 5 questions. It looks great, and I can't wait to read it. Unfortunately I will have to do just that, since other work calls. However, unable to resist a brief look, I stumbled upon the following passage in Timothy Williamson's response to being asked what he regards as the most neglected topics and/or contributions in contemporary epistemology: "The best hope for progress in epistemology lies in the use of methods that have not been part of its stock and trade for centuries. Close to my heart, of course, are the methods of formal epistemology, especially epistemic logic and probability theory. The methods of experimental psychology also promise to shake up comfortable assumptions of belief-forming processes." Seems right to me!


Johnny Logic said...

Capital! Will you be reviewing this (perhaps for NDPR)? I'd love to read more about it before dropping $35 for what is now just a hobby of mine.

Jeff Helzner said...

hey john, nice to hear from you. i don't think i'll be asked to write a review -- i just reviewed the 5 questions volume on game theory for studia logica.